Quote for Today

"We are whom we make ourselves to be"

The Hidden Man-Copied From E.W Kenyow Script.

The senses are dangerous teachers. Experiences, even if based upon works of consecration, of hours of prayer, of confession of sins, cannot be trusted. The Word alone, as unveiled in the Pauline Revelation is the only safe guide. Don't misunderstand me. You cannot be guided by the teachings of John the Baptist and of Jesus as recorded in the four Gospels in regard to any experience, unless that teaching of the four Gospels is confirmed, explained, elucidated in the Pauline Revelation, or with Peter's and John's unveiling in their Epistles. In the four Gospels, Jesus is dealing almost exclusively with the Jews, the First Covenant people, who were natural men, spiritually dead. In the Pauline Revelation, He is dealing almost exclusively with the New Covenant people, the New Creation folks. Never preach experiences . . . PREACH THE WORD! The man who preaches experiences and talks of experiences becomes a dangerous leader. Let Love interpret the Word. Let Love govern every action, every decision of your life. This Jesus kind of Love, Agapa, is the very Nature of the Father, and if that governs us, we will be governed by the Father. Remember, that the Word is Love speaking to your heart, not always to your reasoning faculties, but to your heart. There is no division where Love rules. Selfishness is always the senses in supremacy. Remember, the senses are always jealous. May I offer. this suggestion. As a child of God, never seek experiences. Nearly all the experiences are in the senses and these experiences do not give faith in the Word. They give faith in Man's word. They believe in healing because they saw men healed. They believe in speaking in tongues because they heard them. I believe in healing because the Word teaches it. I believe in speaking in tongues because the Word teaches it, not because someone else has spoken in tongues, or has been healed, or has had some other wonderful experience. Never give an experience the first place in your life. The Word must have that.

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